Pictures from Historicon 2015 in Fredericksburg, Virginia this past weekend are posted below. Thank you to P.J. O’Neil for sharing them. According to P.J., Historicon was “epic and spectacular event” and a great success. Good gaming was had by all!
On Friday night, Dean West with Duke Seifreid gave an emotionally moving talk about John Hill which had many crying.
On Saturday, July 18, 2015, Dean West and Patrick LeBeau played an Across A Deadly Field (ADF) scenario, Champion Hill, which lasted 12 and a half hours with 13 players altogether.
Your dad’s genius was glowing through all the JR and ADF games, and the people he brought together were doing what he helped make happen and wanted- having fun. Something that will last forever, after the grief lessens. Happy and sad all at once, a testament in itself. ~ P.J. O’Neil
Historicon 2015 is the largest tabletop gaming convention worldwide and is held every year at the Fredericksburg Expo and Convention Center featuring approximately 500 tabletop games and 60 gaming vendors from around the globe for one full weekend of history-based fun.
This year’s theme, “End of Empires,” focuses on honoring the following:
- The 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo,
- The 150th anniversary of the Civil War’s conclusion
- The 70th anniversary of World War II’s end
“We selected ‘End of Empires’ because it covers a lot of these anniversaries that are happening” ~ Convention Director Paul Delaney told Fredericksburg.com
Check out the review of ADF the War in the West and to get your own copy, you may visit the ADF Store.
Please feel free to leave comments below and I will reply shortly. Thank you for visiting my tribute site.
Great site. I’m a big fan of history and even took the advanced course during my school years. I wish I followed it more after I went to university. I forgot a lot of what I learned throughout the years. I wish they did similar conventions and events like the one you presented in your article, in my country. I would love to attend them.
Very nice post to read. Seems like a great experience to make!
Hi Esteban:
Thank you for the comment. What country do you live in? There might be similar conventions in your country. I do they have them in the UK. I always enjoyed history too. My father’s passion may have rubbed off a little bit. Come back soon!
Great article, Stephanie. You have done a great job with showing us how important history was. Your father, John Hill, sounds like he was a wonderful man with a true drive for history. His games such as Across A Deadly Field and Squad Leader sound awesome indeed.
It’s so important to remember and relive the past because if we do not study our past, we cannot learn from it and thus, our mistakes of the past may very well be repeated over and over.
Hi Sam:
Thank you for visiting and yes, my father was indeed a wonderful man who loved history. He was the true expert on topics concerning the Civil War. His games were an inspiration to all who love wargames. Have a wonderful day and look forward to hearing from you again real soon.
Great article, Stephanie. I totally agree: it’s so important to remember and relive the past with whatever mediums we have(videos, games, talk, etc.). These are real stories that could’ve easily not been a reality given chance or time. I always say: don’t forget the past, because history has a way of repeating itself.
Hi Sam:
Yes, my father, John Hill, was a huge history buff. His passion was to create historical scenarios through his games allowing the players to relive the past and perhaps have the ability to see what could have been if different events have taken place. Wargames can definitely be educational as they allow you to put yourself in the shoes of our famous historical figures of the past. Thank you for visiting today.
Wow. Vivid images, great content. In one end some people may comment on the fact that older people playing these kind of games is kind of immature and childish. However, they are not just playing but exploring the reason behind Historicon and the meaning it has to a lot of people. People shouldn’t judge. Its something awesome to see. Keep up the great work!
Hi Hagop:
The wargamers who participate in Historicon have been doing for a long time and love every minute of it, because it allows the players to explore our past and how our past could have changed by different scenarios taking place. It is rather entertaining to think you could change the past with a roll of the dice. To learn more about Historicon, visit the Historicon Q&A page. Thank you for visiting the tribute site to my father and have a wonderful day!