Johnny Reb Products on EBay
Hello Wargamers:
Johnny Reb wargame products are generally not available anymore. However, on E-Bay you can pick up your John Hill’s Johnny Reb Miniature Rules Civil Wargame
for $28.00. There is a message indicating that the seller is away until January 22m 2016, so there may be a delay in the processing. This particular Johnny Reb rulebook has free shipping.
There is another GDW: John Hill’s Johnny Reb: Unpunched available for $23.99, however, there is a $14 shipping charge with this, so it will ultimately cost you more. It is indicating that you should receive your new game and rulebook by the 20th of January which is sooner than the first listing.
Johnny Reb Wargame
Johnny Reb was one of the many wargames designed by John Hill. You can read more on the Johnny Reb page. In addition, a review page on Johnny Reb can be found here. The importance of this particular review page is that my father (John hill) gives his own instructions and explanation of how to play the game in response to a less-than-favorable review of Johnny Reb debating the historical accuracy of the game. An epilogue of Johnny Reb written by my father gives a true essence of what the game symbolizes. You may also access a JRIII 15-mm quick reference chart.
Comments Always Welcome
Feel free to leave comments below and I will reply shortly. Thank you for visiting today and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Thanks for the website! I’m going to research these games more because I’m a Civil War buff. It is neat that you have a direct connection to the designer of these games!
Hi Kevin:
Thank you for visiting my website today. I always enjoy hearing from Civil War buffs. Have you ever played ACW (American Civil War) games before? Please take your time and peruse the website. Have a wonderful day!
It is so awesome that you have a direct connection to designer of these war games. Can you pretty much just beat everyone? My uncle was very in to war games of all kinds and I have always had an interest in them myself, just have never sat down and actually made any real effort to play. However, I am so glad I stumbled on to your website. I will definitely be researching these games further and maybe also purchasing. I will definitely be sharing this with my other family members. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Courtney:
Thank you for stopping today and checking out my site. My father designed a multitude of warganes, his most common being Squad Leader, Johnny Reb and ADF (Across A Deadly Field). ADF was his most recent one. You can read more about it on the ADF Question & Answer page. but Johnny Reb was one of his oldest and still very popular and played by so many.
Please do pass this URL onto your family members such as your uncle who may be interested. Is your uncle still living? I ask, because you said “was” which to me probably means he has passed. If so, my deepest empathy as I lost my father one year ago this week. It has been a hard road, especially for my Mum who is still lost without him. Have a terrific year and talk with you soon.
After I wrote my first couple of books, I talked to my children about leaving the books to them as an inheritance. I think it’s wonderful your father left a legacy for you. How many games did your father produce?
Hi Renee:
Thank you for visiting my website. I think it is wonderful you are planning on giving your children your books when you pass away. It will give them something to hang on to after you are gone and they are missing you. That is so sweet to think of your children that way and worry about how they will feel once you are gone. What a awesome mother you are!
In answer to your
question on how many games did my father produce, I actually do not know. I am rather ashamed to admit that, because I should know. For example, I just found out recently that there was another game by the name of Conflict of Heroes – Storms of Steal – Kursl 1943 that he had done as well to include Battle of Stalingrad and many others not necessarily featured on this website.
Thank you for stopping. Please come back soon.
Interesting information on Johnny Reb. I was never into wargames, but my brothers were. I will have to ask them if they have heard of your father. I am sure they have. I believe I remember them talking about Squad Leader. Your father sounds like he was a remarkable man. I love shopping E-Bay
and have found some great bargains. Thank you for the links. I know I will enjoy perusing your website and reading more about your father and all of his creations. Besides from E-Bay
can I purchase Johnny Reb from Amazon like you can with the Squad Leader Amazon Store?
Hi Amanda:
Thank you for stopping today and reading about my father’s wargame he designed, Johnny Reb. Due to it being one of my father’s oldest games, it is not readily available on the market. Therefore, I when I saw it was on E-Bay
, I wanted to write this post.
In answer to your question, you may occasionally find Johnny Reb on Amazon, but it is not a regularly sold item on there. However, whenever if you click on Amazon through this website, anything you purchase (even if it is not a game promoted on this site), proceeds will be accumulated which will help to maintain my father’s legacy and this tribute site, as explained in my affiliate disclaimer and on my Christmas Shopping via Amazon post.
Have a terrific day and thank you for visiting.
Hi Stephanie,
Pardon my ignorance. I am going to ask silly questions since I don’t know much about war games.
Is this a board game? Like monopoly?
Or is this a guidebook on how to re-enact war?
I got here from searching war games on board games.
Hi Arief:
Thank you for visiting my father’s tribute site today. You have asked a couple of great questions. In answer to your questions, yes to both. Wargames are like board games just like monopoly, except that take up much more room than what a monopoly board would take up. A typical wargame usually requires several feet of space. The type of wargames my father designed were tabletop wargames and they are like board games in that you need a table to play them on, but you need a great deal of space. When I was a young child, I remember my father and his “wargame buddies” all piling in our over-sized basement in Indiana and playing a massive large oblong-shaped table that my father built with his bare hands specifically for the purpose of facilitating his wargames.
Your next question was in regards to it being a guidebook on how to re-enact war and yes is also the correct answer to that question. A waragme is a strategy game that deals with military operations and recreates the battles that were fought. The majority of my father’s games focused on ACW (American Civil War). All of his games were based on real scenarios that soldiers fought. Wargaming is a hobby dedicated to the re-enactment of war-time situations and scenarios and can also be called conflict simulations or consims for short.
I hope I have answered your questions and thank you again for visiting today.