Submit Your Questions
Often times, we need the help of good questions to be asked in order to open new possibilities and regard old problems from a new angle. Sometimes we do not learn new things by simply talking but instead of asking questions which generate thought and fresh ideas. I have created a Question & Answer page for wargamer’s only to submit questions they have while playing John Hill’s games to include ADF, Squad Leader and Johnny Reb. Once you submit your question, it will appear on the Questions Submitted page. You can read all questions that are submitted. This is a new feature I added to this tribute site, so there will not be too many questions, if any.
One thing we are asking is that you first check the CBB (CigarBoxBattle) website to make sure your question has not been asked already on the CBB site.
Alternatively you can send an email to adfqanda@acrossadeadlyfield.com.