Happy New Year Waragmers!
As we ring in the new year, I wanted to thank everyone for your wonderful commentaries and support throughout last year. It was a difficult year as we have lost some very dear people. I know our family is not the only ones whom have lost a beloved member. I offer my deepest empathy for anyone who has recently lost someone. It can be hard and turn into an emotional roller coaster.
Thank you All for Your Support
I wish to thank everyone you have supportd my father’s legacy by making a purchase from this website. Your generous contributions help to honor my deceased father and continue his legacy as a wargame designer. As mentioned in my previous post about Christomas shopping via Amazon, whenever you click to Amazon through this website and make a purchase, a commission is generated which helps to support the legecy of John Hill and all of his master pieces he created for wargamers. Even if you do not purchase the exact item an Amazon link points to, this site still earns a commission. Many people may think that the shopper will be charged an additional amount, but that simply is not the case. There is no extra charge to the shopper who clicks on Amazon from this website. A third party commission is still earned which refers to when something other than what the link is pointing to is purchased.
For More Information
If you want to read more about John Hill and the different wargames he designed, please read the about page. For specific wargames he designed, you may check out the Squad Leader page, Johnny Reb or any of the ADF (Across A Deadly Field) pages. ADF: War in the West was the last rulebook which came out following his passing. He also desaigned earlier games to include Battle of Stalingrad.
Comments Welcome
Comments are always welcome. Please feel free to leave your comments below. This also includes any names of other wargamers who passed away in 2015. Please consider this post to be in memory of all the wargamers who have passed. Thank you again to everyone for your support.
Very nice website! It looks and feels great. I love the pictures of your Father a great American hero.
I am a veteran myself. I am about to tear up. I am very thankful for the contributions of our forefathers who gave all they had to defend liberty around the world.
They are never forgotten. Your site is very interesting and detailed. You take great pride in it. Awesome!!! God bless you and your family. Salute to you for keeping your Fathers legacy alive. The stories of our past must continued to be told!
Thank you so much for visiting my father’s tribute site. Just for clarification, my father did not serve in the US Armed Forces, but he designed wargames that illustrate what our forefathers fought for and how they won or lost the battles they fought. My father worked for the government as a military analyst but he did not service in the military.
That being said, I wish to thank you for your service to our country. Your bravery is commended and appreciated.
What a wonderful idea to honour your father by giving him the commission from war games. That shows true dedication and I am sure that he would be very proud and pleased with the work you are doing here
Keep up the good work, and I will be sure to purchase something.
Hi Ruth:
Thank you for visiting my website today honoring my father and his accomplishments. It means so much. The commissions earned from this website will, of course, be used to maintain this website, the hosting and registration fees and all other things associated with the upkeep of a website.
I appreciate you being willing to make a purchase. As explained in this article, when you click to Amazon from this website, any purchase you make will be credited to the account and thus, this website earns a commission.
Thank you for your support. It is truly appreciated.
This websites truly emphasize how remarkable your father was. His talents , efforts and contributions will forever remains. What’s important is he left an unforgettable existence in the hearts of people who truly believes in all his achievements that greatly helps them. I truly admire you for being a proud daughter to your father which I know wherever he is, he will be beaming with joy and pride for having a daughter like you.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful & meaningful website.
Hi Mayls:
Thank you for visiting my father’s tribute site. It means so much. My father was a well accomplished wargamer who brought lots of joy to those who played his games to include Squad Leader and ADF.
Have a wonderful day and happy new year!
I am very interested in your wargame now. I have never heard of this until now. I like the fact that you are honoring those that has passed away this past year and I will be reading up more on this.
I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors with earnings to help support your cause.
Thank you and God Bless,
Hi Michael:
Thank you for your kind comment. In this website, the primary person I am honoring is my father, John Hill, who passed away almost one year ago today. It has been a rough year for my mother.
I hope to hear from you again soon.