Unearthing The Bones By Robert Kresge
Unearthing The Bones by Robert Kresge is the fifth book in the Warbonnet Mystery series. The Warbonnet series is a historical mystery perspective with much suspense, vibrant strong characterization and a love story. The theme of the book series is set in the 19th Century American West with every detail of the language, customs and attire of that period. Robert Kresge does a wonderful job at making the characters believable and very likable while showing the essential elements of a small-town in the Western front.
Clyde Lindsay, author of the Josiah Beede historical mysteries and the Old River which is forthcoming, states that, “If you’re interested in how we Americans got to where we are, pick up one of Kresge’s Old West mysteries. But I should warn you: They’re habit-forming.””
Susan McDuffie, author of award-winning Muirteach McPhee mysteries to include the Study of Murder, describes Kresge’s latest book in the Warbonnet series to be an entertaining and engaging mystery which will transport the reader to a very real look at Wyoming in the 1870s. McDufllie states, “Custer’s incursions into Sioux lands lend an undercurrent of darkness to this sparkling mystery, enlivened by Kresge’s portrayal of day-to-day life in the little town of Warbonnet. Unique and true-to-life characters, paired with great dialogue, make this a wonderful and highly recommended getaway to the Old West.”
Laura Sanchez, author of the New Mexico mystery Killer Miracle, praises Kresge on his straightforward writing style which delivers a fast-paced mystery that is full of delights. Sanchez says the “characters speak and act convincingly for this time and place, rather than displaying miraculously modern opinions on topics such as racism and sexism.”
Dedication to John Hill
What makes the recently released fifth book special is it’s dedication to John Hill, my father. Robert Kresge personally gave my mother and I a copy of Unearthing The Bones with a special note with warm wishes to my mother and his signature on the inside cover. The dedication page specifically states it is dedicated to the memory of John Evans Hill (1945-2015) and lists both all the professional and personal attributes of my father to include Historian, Award-winning Wargames Designer, Civil War Expert, Businessman, Intelligence Analyst, Husband, Father, Grandfather and Friend. Robert Kresge and my father were long-time friends and colleagues who worked together in the intelligence community. Thank you Rob for your dedication of your latest book in the Warbonnet series to John Hill.
About the Author: Robert Kresge
Check out Robert Kresge’s website at www.robertkresge.com. All works mentioned here are published by ABQ Press in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Taken from the Amazon Robert Kresge page:
Rob Kresge grew up in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC, but got to travel to the West as a boy. He graduated from the University of Missouri with a bachelor of journalism degree in 1968, served four years on active duty in the Army (including 1969-70 in Vietnam), got married in 1973 and joined the CIA that same year. He worked as an analyst on Vietnam, North Korea, international terrorism (two tours, including as a founding member of the Counterterrorist Center), gray market arms dealers (like terrorists, but with suits, yachts, and private jets), and sanctions on the former Yugoslavia that contributed to the Dayton Peace Accords in the Balkans. Rob retired from the Army Reserve in 1998 and from the CIA in 2002. Since then, he has lived and written in Albuquerque, New Mexico with his wife and first reader, Julie
Literary Awards Won by Robert Kresge
Kresge is a well accomplished author having won the following:
- Winner, 2014 Tony Hillerman Award for Best Fiction for his book, Saving Lincoln (2013)
- Finalist, 2014 Sue Feder Award for Best Historical Mystery
- Finalist, 2014 Best Historical Fiction, New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards
- Finalist, 2014 Best Mystery/Thriller , NM-AZ Book Awards
My Final Note
I just started reading Unearthing the Bones as we only received it a little while ago, but I am enjoying every minute of it. If you enjoy historical fiction and historical mystery, you will certainly enjoy this book.
Please feel free to leave comments below and I will reply shortly. I would especially love to hear from you if you are familiar with Robert Kresgy’s works.
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I love the way that Robert Kresgy honored your father with the book dedication. Western movies are among my favorites. Authentic Western literature has always intrigued me. I will definitely look into this book when I have the time.
Hi Ronn:
Thank you for checking out the review of Robert Kresge’s latest book in the Warbonnet Mysteries. I think you will enjoy this book if you are a lover of Western history.
Very interesting. I used to read Lone Ranger westerns when I was a kid and I haven’t read a western in a long time. I think I may look up some of Robert Kresge’s work and see if I can relive my youth for a bit. My condolences to you for your loss.
Hi Ket:
I enjoyed the Lone Ranger books as well when I was young. Be sure to check into the Warbonne mysteries by Rob Kresge. I am sure you will enjoy them. They are not as violent and overly gruesome like so many books in this genre. It is clean and enjoyable literature. It is recommended you start from the beginning of the series with The Greenhorns if you are going to read all five of Kresgy’s books. Please return and tell me how you liked them.
Hi Stephanie,
I grew up on the old “spaghetti” westerns watching them late many evenings with my dad. It was a tremendous John Wayne fan and I’ve lost count how many times we watched “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly“. LOL! Unearthing the Bones sounds like an enticing and exciting novel that would throw one back in time and be fully immersed in the realism of what once was. Fantastic article and I’m sure it will be a huge hit for all Robert Kesge fans!
Hi PJ:
Yes, this would be an enjoyable book for you being that you grew up watching the spaghetti Westerns and enjoyed the old John Wayne films. I watched “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” a number of times too. And with it being set in the Civil War makes it all the more enjoyable. It is a great Western. Another Clint Eastwood movie I like is The Outlaw Josey Wales.
Thank you for visiting my website today. Have a wonderful day!
That sounds like a very interesting book! I love history but never learned too much about the old American west until recently, so this book sounds like something I would enjoy.
And how nice to see how your father was so close to the author! What a touching way to honour him.
Hi Samantha:
If you have an interest in the 19th century American West, I am sure you will enjoy Unearthing the Bones by Robert Kresgy. This is the fifth book in the Warbonnet series. And yes, my father John Hill and Rob Kresgy were very close friends who shared similar interests. One of their shared interests was for books and both are published authors. My father also had a book which came out this year, Across A Deadly Field: War in the West.
If you enjoy reading history books, this is a wonderful website to peruse.