Video from Nashcon 2016
If you read my post on Nashcon 2016 you would know that it is an annual convention run by HMGS-Midsouth whose purpose is the running of educational programs promoting historical miniature gaming and military history. They believe a lot can be learned by adding fun into the learning of history. They promote gaming of a speculative or hypothetical nature as well to open minds to new ideas.
A large group of close friends and fans of John Hill did their Annual John Hill Tribute on Saturday night. They all met in the lounge and said a few words to remember John Hill’s legacy. That is where they took the group picture at the start of the video below as well as the featured image for this post.
The video below is of Johnny Con / Nashcon 2016 shared by Cory Ring from Cigar Box Battle. Thank you Cory for making this video.
Feel free to share this video on social media or wherever you like.
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Comments Welcome
Please feel free to leave comments below and I will reply shortly. I would especially love to hear from those who attended Nashcon 2016 and what their thoughts were on the convention and anything else you wish to share. Feel free to view the many more posts on this blog.
Have a wonderful day!
Stephanie Hill (AKA John Hill’s Daughter)
I have never heard of anything like this. Very cool. I have to say it looks like a lot of fun. How would I go about finding something local to me. I live in the Phoenix area. I am guessing I can find some but really dont know where to start. Could you point me in the right direction?
Hi Marc:
I used to live in Tucson for about 15 years, so I am familiar with Phoenix, AZ. To get into a wargaming group in Phoenix, look up the Valley of the Sun Gamers Group. It is a meetup group. They are located in the Southeast section of the Valley They have 70+ gamers from all over the valley and some that attend from Tucson. They typically play wargames and euros. They meet the 2nd Saturday of the month and play all day.
The Arizona Game Fair is working on having their first convention in January 2017. You can sign up to receive more information as it becomes available.
I hope those resources help you find the information you need.
Stephanie (AKA John Hill’s Daughter)