Tag Archive: wargamers

Happy New Year Wargamers!

Happy New Year Everyone! Our Family’s News It has been an eventful year for our family.  My son, Anthony, John Hill’s grandson, graduated from high school.  One of the things that Anthony said when my mother and I took him…
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Historicon 2016 Follow Up

Historicon 2016 Follow Up Historicon 2016 was a huge success. Patrick LeBeau, longtime friend of John Hill, did a series of two hour short games and a big game on Saturday. They were all Squad Leader, translated to miniatures. They…
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Parent’s Guide to Understanding Tabletop Wargaming

Understanding The Hobby of Wargaming Many wargamers report having begun the hobby of wargaming as a young kid.  As young boys and girls you were excited by the idea of controlling large squadrons of small military figures and your weekly allowances would go towards your supplies and…
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